Bace balek tajuk itu!
yah itu betul.. huhu time semayang jummat
zul [fine la aku pggil ko emy] msg me..[eh ko tak smayang ke?] about jom overnight di kl..
i am like with whom??
-alan (not sure)
epul- da 3 mggu kot tak jumpe
alan-2 minggu kot
emy-satu sem
azpo-3 taun!!
aku takkan melepaskan peluang nih..huhu well after working aku tido sekejap tggu kul 7.30PM nk gerak gi LRT Seri Setia..
"ko tak jd kuar ke?"membe aku tnyer
"da kul 7.50PM"
aku mandi2 kerbau kejap.. terus lari2 gi LRT ngn mate separa terbuka. damn..
KTM ni wat hal [i hate la naek KTM nih..]
delay myebbkan aku smpai kul 9PM kat KL sentral.. then jumpe lah mereka
epul-berseluar pendek n selipar getah
alan-berjaket kalis air azpo-berbeg hijau florecent
emy-berkata mata baru dan terkangkang
really happy to see all of u! we proceed rombongan cik kiah ni to another level tuk tgk wayang midnight
"The taking of Fulham 123" camni kot ejanyer
untuk mengisi mase tu we jalan2 at BB just wanna see how night life at KL. very fun though! life band..mostly arabic people i donno why..then proceed to PAVILION.. yup we;re there but it closed already-lah so we amek2 gambar je le...


gambar bontot:alan,emy,aku,azpo

azpo,epul,emy ,alan

its 11.30PM so we head back to TS for the midnight movie.
i think the movie quite ok la..
its John Travolta~ of coz la terrer blakon
"how about KLCC"
"pegi taman die"
"tutup kot"
"ok gi je la"
btw its only 1km
so we jalan2 lagi..
tis time around we lalu to all the club la
"jom clubbing"
"ello its 2.30AM"
so we like jalan2 je
singgah kedai mamak situ makan2 sambil lepak2 mengupdate kan diri masing2 about
everything~ i mean EVERYTHING..
then what??
we jalan2 balek tu BB..
well thing a bit dull..
tinggal lah sisa2 maksiat kat situ..bersepah2 rokok..arak..everything..
this people just so good in enjoying them self..
"Jom la karok"
"esok kol 10AM"
"pastu dari kul 4-10 nih nk wtpe"
"cari hotel la..tido~!"
then we cari la yg RM60..
FULL House beb!
its like everyone is Fu**ing [you know what i mean] used the hotel after clubbing
well this is KL..
then we lepaking..

Karok di red box


epul, aku


epul da terbaring cam homeless~haha mcm2 topik kuar..
then at 6 am.we pg toilet to freshen up.
.emy pun freshen up ngn tgk hp alan..
then we langok2 smpai kul 9.30AMi was like very melekit and encomfortable
..huhu..but ok la..azpo da mcm mayat idup..haha..berenti sini..tido..berenti sane..tido..
alan lak kece mencari toilet je..
haha we manage to wait till 10.30 to go to redbox..
suddenly sumer betenage kuda untuk menyayi..i was so da abes tenage.pancit dah..
i sang for 2 hour and sleep inside there when diorang terpekik terlolong for 1 hour.
then i buy a new memory card for my phone..
didn;t know ade PC fair kat KLCC..hoho..
then sumer sudah mule mahu pulang..
aku pun penat dah nk menaip..hohosumer da mule pergi ke arah
masing2we'll never know when ge gonna meet again..
hopefully tak lame sgt la..hehe something happen to me in the LRT..
really freaking me up though..
i will tell u about this..
but not HERE.
Be Strong.